If you are unable to open CATIA files, or you get the error message Operation Failed With Result Code: 1, first make sure you're on the latest version of TransMagic. As long as your maintenance is up to date, you can download from https://TransMagic.com/download/ and update your installation.
If the latest version does not resolve the problem, it is possible that your Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable for 2015-2019 has become corrupt. If that's the case, here is how you can resolve the issue.
Clean Uninstall, Remove Problematic MS Visual C++ Redistributables, Reboot, Reinstall TransMagic
1. Uninstall TransMagic using Control Panel > Programs and Features
2. Open up Regedit.exe (click the windows start button and type regedit)
3. Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER > Software > Right-Click on the ‘TransMagic’ folder and select ‘Delete’
4. You will receive a ‘Confirm Key Delete’ prompt. Click ‘Yes’
5. Open up a file explorer and navigate to C: > Users > Public > Public Documents > Licensing
6. Delete ONLY the folder named TransMagic
7. Go to Control Panel and Add/Remove Programs. Uninstall any Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributables which are for years 2015-2019. Do not uninstall redistributables for earlier years, as they may be necessary for older software on your system. When you install TransMagic again, it will add new redistributabless for 2015-2019.
8. Reboot
9. Double-click on the TransMagic installation executable (downloaded in step 1) and reinstall.
10. Enter your Activation ID: