Software Conflict Notice: FARO CAM2 Q software causes DLL conflicts with TransMagic.
If you have FARO CAM2 Q installed on your machine, it will cause issues with translations and running TransMagic. This is not the fault of TransMagic but we can help you to correct the issue.
FARO CAM2 Q has included their application DLLs in the Global Windows PATH statement. This practice violates Windows programming practice and will cause DLL conflicts with other software(s) who use the same DLLs of different versions. Many applications use the same DLLs in modern software to perform many tasks; however, the version of these DLLs is very often different but the name of the DLL is the same. As FARO CAM2 Q includes their DLL paths in the Global Windows PATH statement, their DLLs will now be found first before other applications. As these DLL versions will likely be different, this can and will cause erratic software behavior, crashes, etc. for other applications. To correct this issue you have two options:
Option 1:
Remove the FARO CAM2 Q software or move it to another machine that isn't running TransMagic. Note again, this programming practice will likely cause issues with other software besides TransMagic so even if you've cured the TransMagic DLL conflict, you may see other software instabilities.
Option 2:
1. Create a .BAT file to run FARO CAM2 Q. To do this:
In Windows go to the Control Panel, click System and Security, then click System, then click Advanced system settings on the left.
On the System Properties dialog, Advanced tab, click Environment Variables... on the lower right.
In the System variables box, find the variable named "Path".
Review this path and remove any program directory related FARO CAM2 Q. Perform a cut-and-paste of the offending path and paste it into an empty Notepad document.
Repeat this procedure if the User variables for [User Name] box also has a "Path" variable.
To purpose of the two previous steps is to remove any FARO CAM2 Q program paths from these directories as these are causing the DLL conflicts.
In the Notepad document you have opened add the following lines:
set PATH=%PATH%;[Paste the FARO CAM2 Q program paths here]
start "[Copy the program path + exe name for the program here in quotes]".
Now save this Notepad document to the Desktop as a .bat file. Something you'll remember like "CAM2 Q Program.bat"
2. Use the .bat file you created in the previous steps to launch the CAM2 Q software. This will establish the offending paths at run-time so that the program will run properly but it will not conflict with other software on the system.