TransMagic has advanced distribution options built into it's standard installer which support a multitude of distribution scenarios.
For reference simply running the standard TransMagic installer has the following effects:
- Displays the TransMagic End User License Agreement (EULA).
- Removes any previous version of TransMagic that may be present on the system.
- Installs all necessary TransMagic redistributables.
- Installs itself on the system and integrates into Windows in the following ways:
- Installs all core program functionality into the %ProgramFiles% directory by default, which will have the form:
- %ProgramFiles%\TransMagic Inc\TransMagic RXX spX
- Installs the TransMagic license manager program functionality into the CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA directory, which will have the form:
- CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA\TransMagic\Licensing
- This directory structure must never be modified.
- Installs the TransMagic Sample Files into the CSIDL_COMMON_DOCUMENTS directory, which will have the form:
- CSIDL_COMMON_DOCUMENTS\TransMagic\Sample Files
- This directory structure is optional.
- Populates the Windows application paths registry key:
- HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\TransMagic.exe
- Values (Value name \ Value data):
- (Default) \ %ProgramFiles%\TransMagic Inc\TransMagic RXX spX\System\TransMagic.exe
- InstallDir \ %ProgramFiles%\TransMagic Inc\TransMagic RXX\
- You can query the InstallDir value for the current TransMagic end-user install path.
- All component registration, environment establishment and registry entries are created at run-time.
- Installs all core program functionality into the %ProgramFiles% directory by default, which will have the form:
The TransMagic installer is an InstallShield 2014 "Setup.exe" single compressed installer based on Windows MSI installer technology. Thus, the TransMagic installer will accept more commands than are listed below. For a complete set of commands see the complete lists linked here:
- Installshield 2016 Setup.exe command line parameters
- All Setup.exe command line parameters are sent after the /v"<option> <option> <option>" switch. Examples to follow.
- Windows MSI MsiExec.exe command line parameters
- All MsiExec.exe command line parameters are sent directly after the .exe and before the /v switch mentioned above.
TransMagic specific installer options:
Parameter |
Description |
Use to specify a silent install. Silent installs have no or limited UI and thus, several assumptions must be made:
You have the following options for a silent install:
If not running a silent install you can specify the language that you would like to run the install in. This does not set the start-up language. This only sets the installer GUI language. The Start-up language can be set in the in the TransMagic GUI by following the instructions in the Interface Customization section. To set the language send the following MsiExec.exe option immediately after the installer .exe and before the /v"" switch (if used): /l<Language ID> Here the Language ID's match those available in the TransMagic GUI:
For example to specify German, your installer command would look like: TransMagicRXX.XX.XXX.exe /l1031 |
Use to specify the install directory to anything other than the default %ProgramFiles% directory. The actual directory needs to be between the (\") quote operator on both the front and back. For example, to specify the directory “D:\Unique Install Dir” as the new install directory this option would look like the following: /v"INSTALLDIR\"D:\Unique Install Dir\"" |
Specify Floating Network license install vs. default Node-Lock. The default is already a Node-Locked license so it is not necessary to set this. To set the license type to floating, send: /v"LICENSETYPE=Floating" |
TransMagic has a legacy licensing system and a new licensing system. This parameter need never be set unless under very specific circumstances and instructed to do so by a TransMagic team member. The default licensing system is the new licensing system. To set the legacy licensing system send: /v"LICENSETAKE=0" |
When running from the command line, the CAD Add-Ins will not be installed by default. To install these you will need to set a parameter at the command line. To install the SolidWorks Add-In set: /v"SWADDIN=1" |
When running from the command line, the CAD Add-Ins will not be installed by default. To install these you will need to set a parameter at the command line. To install the Inventor Add-In set: /v"INVADDIN=1" |
There are times when you may not want to install a program group or desktop icon. In this case you can send: /v"NOPROG=1" |
TransMagic installer command line usage examples:
Here are some examples. Let's say we wanted a completely SILENT install. The command line would like the following:
TransMagicRXX.XX.XXX.exe /s /v"/qn SILENT=1"
A silent install with progress meters:
TransMagicRXX.XX.XXX.exe /s /v"/qb SILENT=1"
Let's say we wanted a SILENT install of the SolidWorks Add-In. Let's also say this is a floating network license with progress meters. Usage would be as follows:
TransMagicRXX.XX.XXX.exe /s /v"/qb SILENT=1 LICENSETYPE=Floating SWADDIN=1"
Let’s say we wanted a SILENT install, floating network license, and to specify the unique install directory “D:\Unique Install Dir”. Usage would be as follows:
TransMagicRXX.XX.XXX.exe /s /v"/qb SILENT=1 LICENSETYPE=Floating INSTALLDIR=\"D:\Unique Install Dir\""
When installations fail a log file is often handy as well. This is the /l switch. Usage would be as follows:
TransMagicRXX.XX.XXX.exe /s /v"/qb SILENT=1 SWADDIN=1 INVADDIN=1 /l* Install.log"
Although listed above in the MSI command line parameters a handy switch is the uninstall switch, which is /x. Silent uninstall would be as follows:
TransMagicRXX.XX.XXX.exe /x /s /v"/qn SILENT=1"
Any of the above options can be sent in any order after the /v. After the /v there should be an opening quote (") and closing (") quote and there should be a space ( ) between every option.
Served Model Distribution
The usage of "served model" distribution requires a special license of TransMagic Workgroup. However, with this license and method, TransMagic can simply be run from it's own run directory anywhere on a system by following these instructions:
You can directly copy the TransMagic run directory "%ProgramFiles%\TransMagic Inc\TransMagic RXX spX" to the user's machine and create a desktop shortcut for TransMagic.exe.
- You are very likely running a Network\Floating license of TransMagic so open the file "...\TransMagic RXX spX\System\code\bin\TMInfo.txt" and change the "Network=false" setting to "Network=true".
- Contact TransMagic Support at if you need any assistance with an VBS scripts to accomplish any of the above tasks as we have scripts on hand that accomplish all of these tasks that we'd be happy to share with you.