Experiencing an Application Crash regarding the atio6axx.dll while launching TransMagic?
The Windows Event Viewer will have this error documented in log management. See Example 1.
Example 1.
If you are using a video card that uses the AMD Catalyst Control Center launch the application by doing a right click on the windows desktop and selecting "Configure Switchable Graphics" . See Example 2.
Example 2.
Now the following window will be opened. Navigate to "All Applications" and locate TransMagic.exe and change the setting from "High Performance" to "Power Saving" or vice-versa depending how it is defaulted. Once the setting is changed click "Apply" button to update the AMD Catalyst Control Center. See Example 3.
Example 3.
Now try relaunching TransMagic. If you encounter the application crash contact support@transmagic.com
*** Note *** If TransMagic does not exist in "All Applications" section in the AMD Catalyst Control Center TransMagic.exe can be added manually. The location of the TransMagic Executable is --> C:\Program Files\TransMagic Inc\TransMagic R12 sp0\System\code\bin\TransMagic.exe