Yes. TransMagic licenses from Spatia (a software component company owned by Dassault Systemes) the CATIA V5 Kernel called CNext with the “AL2” configuration which includes all available configurations. The AL2 configuration is only available through licensure of the kernel or for demonstration purposes during the sale of CATIA V5 itself. It is not offered for sale. The CNext kernel can be viewed in the following folder under TransMagic:
%ProgramFiles%\TransMagic Inc\TransMagic R8\System\lib3dx
The “lib3dx” directory is the CNext kernel and the same directory structure can be observed under an actual installation of CATIA V5 itself. The CNext binary DLLs, components and supporting utilities can be viewed under the directory:
%ProgramFiles%\TransMagic Inc\TransMagic R8\System\lib3dx\intel_a\code\bin
This again is the same directory structure as CATIA V5 itself.