This is the level of detail (LOD) rendering mode that TransMagic reverts to when the graphics card can't keep up. It will pop into this mode to keep the frame rate (fps) up so that the graphics card can rotate it smoothly. The image below appears to be a larger assembly so it's probably simply an issue of the graphics card not being able to keep up.
Here are a few things that can be done to help possibly:
- When you've stopped rotating the model, click CTRL+R to redraw the display. That should remove the LOD blocks until you start rotating it again.
- In TransMagic click, Settings, and then click on the Application->Performance tab. Change the graphics driver from the default of OpenGL to OpenGL2, DirectX11 or DX9 (DirectX9). Often times if a graphics card can't keep up in one mode like OpenGL, it will perform better in another one. Note, graphics card changes only affect documents that were opened after the change. After the change, save the open file as a TransMagic TMR file, close it and re-load it in the new graphics driver.
- Consider upgrading the graphics card (so this may not be a good suggestion if the video card is a already a high-end one).
- Sometimes saving the file to TMR, closing TransMagic, re-opening the TMR file improves performance because the TMR file consumes less RAM than a freshly opened file.
By changing the graphics card driver and clicking CTRL+R this should improve performance. The addition of a more powerful graphics card may help as well if necessary.