There is an issue with Inventor that prevents it from reading both solids and lines in the same file. The work around is to output two *.sat files: one with the wires and another with everything else.
You can do this in TransMagic, using the following procedure:
- Click on the background in the 3D Display (this will deselect everything so you get the correct menu in Step 2)
- Right Click -> Filter Selection -> Window Selection Options -> Body: Wire Only
- Window select the entire part, only the wires should be highlighted in yellow.
- File -> Export -> Save the selected geometry as a wire.sat
- Right Click -> Filter Selection -> Window Selection Options -> Body: Solid Only(and/or Surface Only)
- Window select the entire part, only the surfaces/solids should be highlighted in yellow.
- File -> Export -> Save the selected geometry as a solid.say
- Read both of these individually back into TransMagic to verify that they contain the entities separately.
- Read one of the files and import the second into Inventor.
You should now have everything you need in Inventor 10.