When you open a geometric file in TransMagic, the first thing you'll notice is that immediately after the part has been opened an interrogation process starts. This process is the Auto Repair Wizard. TransMagic is automatically analyzing the geometry that was just opened and is determining what, if any, additional steps may need to be taken to get the geometry into a high quality and usable state.
The beauty of the Auto Repair Wizard is that the best course of action is to follow the recommendations by simply clicking a single button. Decades of TransMagic industry knowledge and expertise are built into this easy to use wizard.
Another nice feature is that Repair operations are only applied to the parts that require them. This is a huge time saver as you don't have to check each part individually of a large assembly as the Auto Repair Wizard will do so. Different parts may require different levels of Repair as well which will also be determined by the Auto Repair Wizard.
The Auto Repair Wizard has three states:
The Green Light
As the wizard states, your file looks good, you can now proceed to work with the file with confidence whether you're quoting, creating illustrations or translating the file out to another format.
The Yellow Light
This state has a different meaning for Solids, Surfaces and Sheet-Bodies:
Solids: For Solids this state means that issues were found with the file but they are not critical issues. They are issues that will likely not affect downstream operations. However, the recommended course of action at this stage is to perform the recommended action which is Lite Repair. See the Lite Repair documentation for more information.
Surfaces: For Surfaces this state means that a surface model was loaded and the first recommend action is Lite Repair. In addition to correcting error, a primary function of Liter Repair is to stitch surfaces into solids automatically. See the Lite Repair documentation for more information.
Sheet-Bodies: A Sheet-Body is a collection of surfaces that have been stitched together but they do not form a solid. Sometimes this is intentional but most of the time a sheet-body is the result of missing surfaces. Missing surfaces are usually the result of a defect in the translator that created the file. TransMagic is able to easily Repair these conditions as well with it's MagicSURFACE technology. If there are missing surface they will be identified by the Auto Repair Wizard as "un-stitched edges". For more information about MagicSURFACE see the Advanced Tab documentation.
The Red Light
This state means that severe issues have been found that will most likely affect downstream operations and even TransMagic operations. The recommended course of action at this stage is to perform the recommended action which is either Full Repair or Advanced Full Repair. See the Full Repair documentation for more information. Advanced Full Repair is only accessible from the Auto Repair Wizard dialog as it is only necessary in very specific cases. Advanced Full Repair is also resource intensive as it does a complete analysis and Repair to every single face (surface) in the parts that need the Repair.
Additional Notes:
- Notice on the bottom of the dialog "Don't show this dialog during File Loading". You disable Auto Repair Wizard during File Loading by checking this box.
- You can always run the Auto Repair Wizard from the Home Tab. Also, if you manually run Lite Repair or Full Repair on a part or assembly, the Auto Repair Wizard geometric checking and validation functionality will be run automatically afterwards. However, you can also turn off the Auto Repair Wizard by selecting Settings on the Home Tab, Repair Page.
- If you turn the Auto Repair Wizard off entirely then TransMagic will operate in a "classic" state as it has for all previous versions of TransMagic. This means that instead of the Auto Repair Wizard, you will see Repair logs and Check Part logs displayed after those operations.