TransMagic has the ability to modify various appearance, application option and translation settings.
One of the most important areas in the Settings dialog are the translation settings.If you are having any problems reading or writing a format make sure to double check the appropriate settings page. Each format in TransMagic has various settings that can be set to change the results of what is read in to or written out of TransMagic. Each format's default settings represent the vast majority of files in that particular format; however, you don't always know what you're going to get and in many cases you may need to review the Translation Log and then play with that format's settings to successfully translate the file.
It's a good general practice though once you're done importing a problem file to go back and reset the settings for that translation to their default settings as you'll have the greatest general success with the default settings.
Each of the pages in the Settings dialog are generally self-explanatory and if the Translation Log is enabled, which options to be set are also fairly self-explanatory.
Please check the help section inside TransMagic for more specific information.