New Best Fit Bounding Box! This often requested item is now the default behavior. Previously, the Bounding Box was calculated axis-aligned with the global WCS. The new Best Fit Bounding Box is now the absolute tightest box that the object or objects will fit into. In tests, we consistently saw improvements of 20 and 30 percent reduction in bounding volume size.
New Format Reader: RHINO! Supports versions: 2-7.
Bounding Box color and transparency. Added the ability to change the color and transparency of the Bounding Box and other shapes. These settings are in the main Settings area under Application Performance.
MagicCheck Part-to-Part Dual-Profile Check. Added the ability to compare for both Min and Max Profile Tolerance. This allows you to check for inside or outside changes at different tolerances. This can be specified in MagicCheck Settings.
MagicCheck Part-to-Part Dual-Profile Check. Added the ability to compare for both Min and Max Profile Tolerance. This allows you to check for inside or outside changes at different tolerances. This can be specified in MagicCheck Settings.
Added the ability to change the color and line width of Dynamic Dimensions. This is in Settings, under Application, Appearance.
MagicSTK Beta2
Added support for re-structure in assembly hierarchy for Viz-Rep models.
Added new "Create new Sub-Assembly" function in the Viz-Rep Assembly Browser.
Updated default versions for various formats:
Parasolid version 30.0 (up to 33.0)
CATIA V5\V6 version 2018 (R28) (up to 2021\R31)
JT version 10.2 (up to 10.5)
HSF version (up to 10.5)
Several bug-fixes. You will have been notified by TransMagic Support system if you had a fix in this patch.